This company is so cool. I booked the Ice Cave not realizing that the customer does ALLL the driving.
I am an adrenaline junkie and gravitate to thrilling adventures. After I got over the shock of seeing the guide in the passenger seats, I grabbed a quad-espresso and took the reigns.
The view through the countryside (Reykjavík to Ice Cave) looked like a movie set. The art of driving was pretty average until we got near the glacier. HOLY CANOLI‼️
Arctic Trucks are Toyota pick-ups that have been modified to handle Iceland conditions.
There were only two of us on the tour. We got to share and learn a great deal with our guide. We stopped at a few waterfalls, a hot spring, and at a resort for lunch.
But the crown jewel was me being able to drive the truck up the Langjokull glacier. Wow, wow.
There were a bunch of switches, buttons and a portable GPS in the cab that the guide used to manage how the truck performed.
It looked like I was driving in the clouds, amongst angels... the swirling wind, drifting snow and pure whiteness was ominous and empowering. Heavenly Armageddon. Weird and wonderful.
Then there was the “Into The Cave” ice cave tour... it was warmer inside the ice cave than it was on the glacier. I will review the Ice Cave separately since it is a different company.
I have traveled to all 7 continents— I skydive, scuba dive, snow ski, race boats, fly helicopters, etc... driving up the glacier ranks with the most memorable of my excursions.
Experience driving a manual useful.
Arna was our guide... I recommend him highly. He customized the tour for us and tackled the glacier when other operators canceled.