I been travelling all over .., Morocco is a very exotic , pleasant ,safe , friendly , old / new original cultural destination .. its beautiful , joyful ,inexpensive ,very safe ,& most important a country full of Good food , and Good people .., i mean awesome food , fresh ,clean ,inexpensive ,healthy ,organic , kosher ,fruits , awesome delicious meats, , unbelievable fresh sea food , all sort of fresh dairy , all of it , & good times all over , all you want & have desire , its there !! just show up ..and you gonna love it ...., and to be able to take advantage of all of this ,that Morocco has to offer in every city , you really need to meet my body " Hamid " at : upscale tours " ,in Tangier. ,, he knows it all .., all over of Morocco that you like to visit ,experience !! Hamid is your guy to know ,, he's such a , trustworthy , smart , experienced ,honest ,hardworking ,correct , fair person , its hard to find one like him . write to him , call him up , text him , just get hold of him and you be in good hands ,.. he is a good person . best of times , good luck ,, enjoy ..
harry , Los Angeles ,California