Lalibela is a very special place, and Happy is a very special person. He met us on New Year's Day at the airport (notably, it wasn't Ethiopia's new year, which is in September). Nonetheless, there was Happy with a big smile and a big sign welcoming us and wishing us a "Happy New Year".
Happy grew up in the area, and he knows the area well, including the rock-hewn churches. Happy's grandfather is a priest, so it's clear it has extra meaning to him. Visiting these churches was an experience that brought goosebumps to my arms. They really are incredible. It's a surreal place to visit. And it was extra meaningful being able to experience it with Happy, who gave me historical information and local insight.
Happy took great care of us, was always flexible, and most importantly, incredibly kind. We went to the Saturday market, where Happy helped us navigate the zillion things being sold, and helped me negotiate some scarf purchases. We walked through a local village, seeing every day life, as local children all smiled and said hello.
Happy even invited us to his aunt's house for a traditional coffee ceremony with his family. This wasn't a "tourist" experience-- it was real. Spending time with Happy and his sweet family (and drinking probably the greatest cup of coffee I ever had) was a very special experience. It brought Lalibela even closer to my heart.
I'll never forget my time in Lalibela, and I"ll never forget Happy.
If you're visiting Lalibela, I highly recommend contacting Happy to show you the best of this incredible place. He can be reached at +25191711967