Don't be put off by the exterior scaffolding and rather scrappy surroundings since this building is very much alive. Well underway is a restoration project due to be completed around 2020-2021 and, meanwhile, the church buzzes with activity, offering a warm and genuine welcome to anyone, regardless of circumstances and background, who steps inside. Around 400 people were at the informal 1130 Sunday 90-minute service: with free hot and cold drinks on arrival, a superb band and lively songs, a succinct and very practical talk and a really friendly atmosphere, it was truly uplifting. Whether one follows a faith or not is unimportant: try it for it’s a haven, anecdote and boost for life today. Wear warm clothing since the vast interior takes time to warm up and don't rely on finding a space in their small car parking area (Trafalgar Street car park is a five-minute walk albeit not cheap .. like most parking in Brighton).