The Casbah Club, unlike The Cavern, remains exactly as it was & how wonderful to stand in the exact space the young Beatles stood & that their art & decorating skills are still there on display. Happily the building is listed, so it can stay that way.
Loved John, Paul, Pete & George’s handwriten cv’s, John’s ambition: To be rich! Underlined! A little moment of sadness realising he’s written it aged 20 & only had so long again before we lost him. Can’t then help laughing that he’d carved his name into the woodwork, not once, but twice & got a thorough telling off both times.
Unfortunately, we were held up in traffic & arrived a good ten minutes late & then had a slight mix up over booking times, but Roag Jnr appeared very quickly & gave us the tour with no fuss or question of rebooking.
Enjoyed all the stories of Mo, strong lady far ahead of times. You can read the stories, but nothing will beat being in the places they were written about.