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Pine Savanna - Picture of Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, Gautier

Photo: Pine Savanna

From Review : Beautiful Nature Refuge of Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge
Pine Savanna
CL Dees Nature Trail
Have to look close this is smaller than a dime. Southern Costal Violet
Interesting and fun
A mated pair of sandhill crane.
A mated pair with their baby!
Justin P wrote a review Mar 2018
Raleigh, North Carolina4,561 contributions1,372 helpful vote
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR protects some of the last remaining wet pine savanna, habitat for the critically endangered Mississippi subspecies of sandhill crane. It's just a half mile of I-10 in Gautier, so a nice spot for a break from driving. I was driving across
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Date of experience: March 2018
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