Apt time to visit towards year end as we penned down our resolutions for 2019 on a multi colored... read more
Apt time to visit towards year end as we penned down our resolutions for 2019 on a multi colored... read more
Like good old days when we were little kids. We went out door before the weather is too hot (and... read more
interesting site to visit .
tourists walking up & down the railway.
no 'barrier'. to take the train. walk through the platform & footpath. direct across .
COUNTRY SIDE. No accident too.
i think the train is every 1hr once.
Apt time to visit towards year end as we penned down our resolutions for 2019 on a multi colored lantern which we released into the sky in the middle of persistent rain (pretty resolute!). Well worth a visit - although I did leave guilty of meddling with mother nature with the lit up lantern expected to end polluting the environment and ending up in the middle of "not to be touched" beautiful forests around.
This is a recommended day out if you are visiting Taipei. We found contradictory information about the Pingxi line when we were researching the area so hopefully this will guide others.
We went to Houtong (Cat Village) first as it seemed to be the most efficient way to visit every stop on the line but we were disappointed. It's not very picturesque and I wouldn't bother unless you have never seen a cat before. There are a few gift shops selling catty things and a couple of cafes but they were all closed when we went (they don't open until mid-morning!).
We then went to Sandioaling to walk the trail. This is a lovely partially shaded walk just off the train tracks. There are two nice waterfalls that take around an hour to reach that are well worth the visit and a couple of rope bridges but they are not high up. The trail then got a bit hairy (there's a little rope climb) and we turned back.
We then took the train to Shifen which is packed with tourists but is a nice bustling place with lots of busy stalls and an endless supply of people letting off Chinese lanterns. I really liked it. The waterfall is around half an hour away and is spectacular though very busy.
We then went to Pingxi itself and to the end of the line Jingtong. Both are nice enough little villages but far from essential. There were a few people letting off Chinese lanterns in Pingxi but its nothing like as busy as Shifen in that regard.
In conclusion, the Pingxi Line is well worth a visit. Shifen and the Sandiaoling trail were the highlights of the day with the other stops only really worth visiting if you want to make a full day of it.
Beautiful old school train and tracks. Nice scenery along the way including going thru tunnels. Has some popular tourist spots along the way.
Most people change to this local railway for visiting Shi fen at 瑞芳 station. It’s packed by tourists and most of them get off at Shi fen. It’s a lovely slow local single railway ride. When you approach Shi fen station, you can see tourists walk along the railway, it’s fun to waving hands to them.
Easy card can be used.
Like good old days when we were little kids. We went out door before the weather is too hot (and humid). After releasing the lantern (Lantern King) blessing our loved ones, family members, friends and schoolmates, we came to railway track to dance around and have photos to memorize this visit.