Highest wind speed ever recorded? Count me in! Loved seeing the scientific content and learning... read more
Highest wind speed ever recorded? Count me in! Loved seeing the scientific content and learning... read more
Sitting atop the Northeast’s tallest peak, Mount Washington is the Mount Washington Observatory... read more
This is well worth a visit if you are in the area, the views on a clear day are amazing , make sure you wrap up because even on a warm day it can get cold at the summit.
Took a ride up on the Cogway. The views from the top are spectacular even though the cold was finger numbing. The hot soup was a life saver. A must do if you are in the state.
We visited Mt. Washington for the third time, but this was the first time we could actually go up. The previous two times we were not lucky with the weather, though it was always in the first half of October.
So, you need a bit of luck with the mountain. But it was well worth the effort.
Ibrecommend arriving right at the opening, to better experience the drive. The road is challenging, but in no way dangerous or crazy. Simply stay focused on the road. The first part, where trees are still growing, was so beautiful and colorful, then you climb above the trees level and it is changinf to Alpine style drive. So beautiful.
Up at the top the most interesting thing was the powerful wind, which is really a great experience.
A great morning!
I am not sure why people are writing reviews unless they are writing them from before the snow, ice and bad rain New Hampshire had a week or so ago. The cog railway is closed for the rest of the season due to the bad rain they had. The road and vans are not running because of snow and ice on Mount Washington. Very disappointed. It's on my bucket list. I have been to New Hampshire all my life, and I had a rental car, and was willing to to cog, car, or take the van up, but nope!
I’ve driven up and taken the van up - if your car is healthy and your a good driver and not terrified of heights take the drive. If you want to learn about the Presidential Range and topography take the van, either way it’s a must to when you visit the Granite State!!!
Eight mile drive to the summit. Numerous pull offs for picture taking. Unbelievable the work and engineering that went into the building of this road. Many tales of adventure
Surrounds the highway in the clouds
Truly worth the time and money