TRACC was one of the best experience ever! I started as an inexperienced diver, but once I was... read more
TRACC was one of the best experience ever! I started as an inexperienced diver, but once I was... read more
Spent an amazing 2 weeks with TRACC as a volunteer : I learned A LOT about scientific diving... read more
Great atmosphere, great people, great cause, for a fair price!. I started with my open water and had more than 80 dives done when I left after 6 weeks. The living conditions are basic and they need to treat more for ants especially for the newer tents. unfortunately it did feel more like a dive shop during summer months as I was one of the few volunteers there who wasn't doing a course. The food is really good, though could get quite repetitive. but overall, I had the best time there, met some great people, had awesome dives and would thoroughly recommend it.
i spend more than 7 month on this tiny island doing the a level marine sience course and working as an instructor. i loved it!
if was an great experience even that iam a passion diver since years already i learned so much more about the ocean and about reefconservation. all the people around you are very educated and passion about marine sience and biology. I learned a lot just by spending time with other divers and i made so many amazing friends i will never forget about.
the diving here aswell is great! only around our housereef i saw my first flamboyant cuttlefish, first wonderpus, first solarpowered nudibranch, pigmy seahorse and a spanish dancer from a incredible size of 50cm. and dont forget about all the blueringed oktopus i have seen here. yes! the macro life here is the best i have ever seen.
to see every week or even more often nesting turtles on the beach and underwater (every dive) aswell like the hatching babyturtles is an incredible experience you cant get on many places. Another great thing about tracc is that you can go when ever you feel like it. Just grap a tank and buddy and go for a dive. early morning to see the dancing manderine fishs, sunset to check for coralcatsharks or at night to explore the most wierdest shrimps, crabs and nudibranchs you can imagine.
the conservationwork is also very exciting. to restorate the reef and building new structures to support the marine life. in those 7month i spend at tracc i have seen lots of progress in our reef already. way more fish than before and the corals are doing well. One of my last dives was just incredible to see how much it changed. i had a massive school of jackfish sourrounding me, 2 huge napoleon wrasses (which i only saw one time before around pompom), big schools of bumpheadperrotfishs and a lot more. there was definitely a big difference since the day i arrived and thats great!
inspired by all those expierience i want to study marine biology, do more conservationwork and make a difference for the future of our reefs
big thanks to tracc and all those lovely people working there :D
you were all great students and a pleasure to teach. good luck
I was there for a week to volunteer.
this place is filled with nice and kind-hearted people devoted to taking care of the corals and making some fun out of it!
Highly recommended should you thirst for a truly natural experience (and be prepared for it.
Please do stay longer to make a real impact! (I feel my 1week stay has not helped much actually)
more of you should be doing this!
Glad you had a great time. Please tell your friends, TRACC always needs help to restore coral reefs.
I spent 3 weeks at TRACC and thoroughly enjoyed my time on Pom Pom island, I met fantastic people and had a brilliant instructor during my open water course.
The diving is an obvious highlight and I loved all the dives I participated in both around pom pom and other islands.
The corals are beautiful and TRACC have done a brilliant job so far of repairing the bomb fished reef around pom pom through the making and placing of artificial reefs and the collecting and planting of the hard and soft corals.
The project could do with improvements of organisation when accepting large groups of volunteers however this did not take away any enjoyment of my time there.
I got to live on a island with great people, diving everyday amongst awesome marine life, lots of turtles and the most beautiful corals.
A brilliant experience.
If you are looking for an alternative to a diving holiday with the opportunity to live on a tropical island, get back to basics and experience island life, then TRACC is your destination.
TRACC is more than just a marine conservation. Crystal clear and super warm waters with a vast amount of maritime life surround you. You are opened to a world of learning and knowledge in marine life, the biology and science. There are also endless opportunities for the underwater photographer!
Coral reef restoration, turtle walks, save the sharks, biodiversity are just some of the range of projects they currently have running at TRACC , all of which are such worth while causes in helping save part of the ocean. You get to view first hand the difference your participation actually makes and any new ideas and suggestions for projects are welcomed.
You are able to do as much or little diving as you want, this is the same for the participation in the work dives. If you are an experienced diver you can get stuck in right away. Even if you have no experience as a diver but have an interest, depending on how long you can stay, there are plenty of people who would be happy to take you out for a DSD. You can also take the courses to gain your Open Water up to Divemaster.
The atmosphere on Pom Pom is completely relaxed at the Tracc camp. You get to meet a mix and variety of people with different backgrounds but all with the common interest in helping save the ocean and of course diving.
It has been a truly a unique and amazing experience for me being able to have a relaxing holiday and have fun whilst participating in important marine conservation work. I gained more experience as a diver and I had the opportunity to do underwater photography and learn more about the variety of species of fish and other marine life in the ocean. I only wish I could have had a little longer.
TRACC is the best! You get to:
-Live on a tropical island.
-Swim with turtles and so many other beautiful marine creatures.
-Dive and see the most beautiful coral reefs in the world (many of which TRACC have created/gardened themselves).
-Hang out with the loveliest people.
-Get stuck in with every project.
-Eat homemade fried chicken.
Oh...and save the planet all in just the small space of a 2 week holiday!
I am 100% sure that I will be returning.