Management Response Guidelines

While it is the traveller that decides whether or not to share a review of their experience, business owners can and should respond by adding a Management Response. The Management Response feature allows businesses to respond directly to any review they wish, whether that is to thank the reviewer for visiting or to provide the owner’s side of events when something went wrong. All Management Responses are posted directly underneath the traveller review to which they respond, and are visible to anyone looking at the website.

We value your contributions and encourage you to interact with your fellow travellers! We also want to make sure that Tripadvisor is a safe and trustworthy source for travel advice and information. To help us with this goal, we ask that you abide by Tripadvisor’s Content Policy and the following rules for management responses to reviews:


Please do not include correspondence from guests or third parties, or snippets of traveler reviews.


Please don’t include commercial or promotional content of any kind. Responses that are offering personal gain, such as gifts, services, or money, will be removed. We do not allow responses that contain links, unless relevant to the review.


Please do not post responses that include content irrelevant to the review in question. No personal opinions about politics, ethics, religion or wider social issues. Management responses may not threaten or coerce a reviewer or attempt to suppress reviewer contributions on our site. No accusations of review fraud. No responses directed to Tripadvisor staff or commenting about Tripadvisor policies.

Respectful of Privacy

No speculation as to the identity of the reviewer. Personal information that may be used to identify an individual is prohibited, including but not limited to including but not limited to names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Easy to Read

Do not include lists, bullets or other formatting that will not appear in owner responses. Machine translated management responses that are unreadable or incomprehensible will not be accepted.

Tripadvisor wants you to have the opportunity to respond to the media notification placed on your property listing. The guidelines for posting a response to notifications are that management responses must be:

Family Friendly

No profanity, threats, prejudiced comments, hate speech or other non-family-friendly content. No graphic reports of violent criminal activity or reports of first-hand participation in illegal activity.

Unique and independent

We allow one response per notification posted on our site. Please coordinate with other authorized management or owners of your property to make certain you are the one designated to respond to the notification.


No quoted material from other sources and no material published elsewhere. This includes correspondence from a guest or other third party.


Management responses are posted below the notification. They are read by general Tripadvisor users, and therefore should be written in a manner that is representative of the customer service policies of your business.

Relevant to all Tripadvisor users

Please do not post a response that includes content irrelevant to the notification. Owner responses must be based on first-hand experiences of management or their staff members.

Respectful of Personal Privacy

No speculation as to the identity of any travellers. Personal information of any person, including names, addresses, phone numbers or other information that may be used to identify an individual is prohibited.


No promotional material of any kind, including incentives for guests to visit your property, loyalty programmes and URLs that are irrelevant to the review in question. We reserve the right to reject any URL.

Easy to read

No HTML tags and no excessive ALL CAPS, slang, formatting issues, repeated text, or typographic symbols. Use the correct alphabet for the language in which you are writing. Do not transliterate into another alphabet. Machine translated management responses that are unreadable or incomprehensible will not be accepted. We will reject management responses written in two languages.

If your response complies with these guidelines, it will typically be published within forty-eight hours you will receive notification.