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1 bedroom
1 bathroom
4 guests
Minimum stay varies
The minimum stay for this property changes depending on the dates selected
Studio apartman 32m2,zasebni vhod z pripadajočim prostorom za parkiranje.Hiša je pod video nadzororom in ima odpiranje glavnih vrat na daljinsko odpiranje. ap. je v nadstropju cca 20 stopnic z verando. kuhinja komplet opremljena: hladilnik z zamrzovalnikom, el. plošča, pečica, pomivalni stroj, aparat za kavo, kuhalnik za vodo, toster, komplet posoda za kuhanje , krožniki,, wifi, gretje zimi, klima. Postelja 140x200cm + kavč raztegljiv 160x200cm. Po želji gosta lahko dodamo še napihljivo ležišče in. Uporaba terase in vrta z vrtno opremo mize,stoli ....Kopalnica s tušem, fen in po želji gosta tudi šampon, milo.... pralni stroj, kopalni plašč 2x. Smo v centru Kaštela, kjer imamo trgovino, 4 restavracije, bar, bočarsko igrišče, Smo na meji z Slovenijo. Do Portoroža je 7 km, Do Ka...
House Rules
Pets not allowedKid friendlyNo smoking
Med 22h in 8h počitek
1 King1 Sofa
1 Shower
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What this rental offers
Wi-fi and internet
- Wi-fi
Location info
- Kid friendly
- Beachfront/Lakeside
Kitchen and dining
- Cooker
- Refrigerator
- Dishwasher
- Freezer
- Microwave
- Kettle
- Toaster
Outdoor amenities
- Private yard
- Balcony
- Playground
- Terrace
Indoor amenities
- Air conditioning
- Cable television
- Internet access
- Parking available
- Secure parking available
- Golf course (within 30 mins drive)
- Golf course (within 15 min walk)
- Hiking areas
- Countryside area
- Horse riding facilities
- Housekeeping included
Property features
- Staff on property
Things to do
- Fishing spots available
- Cycling areas
- Watersports
- Television
Bathroom and laundry
- Washer
- Towels provided
- Iron
Getting there
Pleso Airport
118.9 mi
Dei Legionari Airport
28.5 mi
Konoba Stari Podrum
2.4 mi
Malo Selo
1.1 mi
2.4 mi
La Parenzana
19 min
Fonda Fish Farm
5 mi • Bodies of Water
2.8 mi • Speciality & Gift Shops
Secovlje Salina Nature Park
4.2 mi • Nature & Wildlife Areas
4.4 mi • Speciality & Gift Shops
About the neighbourhood
Smo na mirni lokaciji , ki meji z Slovenijo. Istra je zelo znana po tartufih, olivnem olju, Imamo zelo dobre konobe, ki nudijo zelo dobro domačo istrsko hrano in dobro vino ter domača žgana pijača. Priporočamo
Getting around
STARA MESTA: Motovun, Oprtalj ,Buje. Istarske toplice(TERME), terme Portorož, Soline Portorož.,Jama Baredine POREČ. Mimo nas vodi glavna cesta za kolesarjenje.
Car required
How to get there
Do nas je zelo hiter dostop. Praktično smo na lokacijo, da nas zelo hitro najdete. Smo na meji z Slovenijo, Bujami, Umagom, Savudrija, Novigrad, Poreč. Istra je velika. Za avto ni problema , parkirno mesto vas čaka z video nadzorom
Activities nearby
Fishing spots availableGolf course (within 30 mins drive)Golf course (within 15 min walk)Horse riding facilitiesWatersports
About this property
- First, check the Availability tab on this page to see if your dates are available. If they are, contact the owner via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox to confirm availability.
- If the owner has provided contact information, you may contact him or her directly. If not, you can contact the owner via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox. This inbox is created after you send your first message or booking request to the owner
- You can send another message via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox to check if the property is still available. If the owner has listed a phone number, you can also call to follow up. send enquiries to other properties. If you still don't hear from the owner, Tripadvisor recommends that you send enquiries to other properties.
- If the owner approves your stay, he or she will let you know which forms of payment are accepted. This owner does not currently accept payments via the Tripadvisor inbox.
This property is affiliated with All bookings are direct with the owner
Property #HL2229674610